We took the awesome power of CLEAR CARE Cleaning &
Disinfecting Solution to the next level. |
Disinfecting Solution has the same amazing cleaning power of
CLEAR CARE®, but is formulated with exclusive HydraGlyde®
Moisture Matrix technology. That’s how your lenses stay hydrated
and feel loved.
CLEAR CARE PLUS Solution cleans and
disinfects like no standard multi-purpose solution. In fact,
CLEAR CARE PLUS has been proven to give you cleaner-feeling
lenses, better overall lens comfort and more hours of
comfortable lens wear versus multi-purpose solutions.
That’s because CLEAR CARE PLUS Solution deep cleans your
lenses with the power of peroxide, then neutralizes into a
gentle saline solution - much like your own tears - but without
the chemical preservatives found in other solutions. You can
even see it working!
Not only does CLEAR CARE® PLUS
Solution clean and disinfect your contact lenses with the
bubbling power of hydrogen peroxide, it also surrounds your
lenses with long-lasting moisture. Clean and comfortable lenses?
You got it.
New Jersey Eye Care's Eye Doctor, Dr. Bruce Mazie, and his Staff
Provide Quality Eye Care and Personalized Service You Can Trust